Latest Event Gallery/最新活動照片 10/29/2023: 这个module是专注在蜜蜂的知识介绍,农场请了蜜蜂专业人士带领孩子们,了解蜜蜂的习性。孩子们分成了三组,每周会安排一组专注蜜蜂的学习, 其他两组进行农场的工作。 今天William带领的一组接受蜜蜂知识教育和在蜂箱近距离接触并观察蜜蜂活动,Kevin带领一组种植豆角,Susie 带领一组收获丝瓜,孩子们都很棒! 为他们加油! Feb. 24th 2023: The LPF team focused on building the planter beds and planning the strawberries Feb.2023 latest activities and pictures Jan. 2023: 11/13/22 Our volunteers have learned three fun facts about bees from the specialized Beekeeper, Yvonne, on Sunday's program. 1. Bees...