- 每個名額每週15包餅乾。每包餅乾至少5片餅乾,總重量至少180克。
- 15 bags of cookies each member every week; at least 5 pieces in each bag and minimum total weight is 180g
- 每包餅乾算義工時數20分鐘。
- Each bag counts to 20 minutes volunteer time
- 不要使用堅果類的食材
- No NUTs please
- 活動限DBHS CAPA會員
- Limited to CAPA member only
- 市售餅乾跟破碎的餅乾不收
- Purchased or broken cookie are not accepted
- 報名時間:每周六晚9點以電子表單開始,周日9點结束
- The reservation starts each Sat. at 9pm and ends 9pm Sun. via eform
手作餅乾心得分享 shared by Carissa :
Hi 大家好,
這是我第二年參與DBHS CAPA Youth team手做餅乾製作的義工活動,說真的第一年剛開始有點半推半就,但為什麼第二年我又會繼續加入這活動呢?因為在製作餅乾的初期我上網尋找配方、研究烘焙時間與溫度設定,這些對我來說都是新的知識,要怎麼把它從理論變成實際,很像在做實驗,在繁忙的課業之餘,做餅乾讓我覺得放鬆又療癒;接著,在可以烤出不錯的餅乾後,我又開始想要提升速度、調整順序、更換工具,思考著如何做一些流程改善,才能愈做愈上手。
This is my second year of volunteering at DBHS CAPA Youth team homemade cookie. I was a bit hesitant in the first year but decided to continue for the second year because in my journey to make cookies, I had to search on internet for cookies recipe, having the recipe is just the first steps, following instructions is not as easy as it seems, it takes practices, and many failures, while transforming theory into practical experiences. With initial successes, my next challenges is to improve efficiency and process so that I can bake more cookies faster, better tasting in lesser time.
Today, I want to share with you some of my tips in baking cookies. Various recipes for cookie can be found on the Internet posted by various masters. Once the cookie dough is finished, it’s time to portion and roll the dough
- 如何準確又快速的分割麵糰,以下幾種我都試過,我依自己的經驗,做了以下的比較表,冰淇淋挖勺是我的終極武器,使用正確的工具,事半功倍。
I had tried a lot of ways to measure, I know many people eyeball it when making cookies, however I highly recommend using a cookie scoop.
- 餅乾重量一包180克,一包5-6片,等於一片30-36克,但因為烘烤的時候會流失水份,所以重量要多抓一點,我一般是抓在40克上下,冰淇淋挖勺一勺剛剛好。
The total weight of a bag of cookies is about 180 grams, there are 5-6 pieces of cookie in a bag, the weight of a piece of cookie is around 30-36 grams. Using a cooking scoop ensures that all the cookies are uniform in size so that they bake evenly.
- 送進烤箱前稍微整型一下即可,由於各家廠牌的烤箱溫度不同、大型和小型烤箱的溫度也有落差的,因此請大家可依原先食譜中的建議,試個幾次。新手一定要記得設定中途的時間,看看餅乾的狀況或調換烤盤方向,烤個幾次後,就能找到最佳的溫度及時間。
Just press the cookie dough a little before putting it into the oven. Since the oven temperature of each brand is different, the temperature of the large and small ovens also varies, so please try a few times according to the suggested temp in the original recipe. To prevent uneven baking, you must remember to set up the timer to check the condition of the cookies or rotate the pans. Trust me, after baking a few times, you can find the best temperature and time for your cookie.
- 剛烤好的餅乾移動到鐵網上放涼,切記放涼後再裝袋,餅乾比較不容易碎,5片一袋裝在拉鍊袋之中,這樣重量肯定合格,再找個盒子把分裝好的餅乾裝起來就ok了。
Cool the cookies on the baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely. Store them in a zipper-lock bag the put all bags in to a box.
- 再來就是請爸爸、媽媽於週五早上到Hmart停車場前交餅乾就完成本週的手作餅乾義工活動。
Ask your parents to hand in the cookie in the Friday morning at Diamond Bar Hmart parking lot. That’s all.
Knowing these cookies are donated to the first responders, local churches and food bank within the community is very rewarding. Also, cookies will be distributed to the needy and less fortunate within the community and it represent love and compassion from all the student volunteers.
Cookies delivery – 义工送饼干