10月12號晚上6點。 學校的Townhall提供了Los Angeles County Health Department 發布關於fentanyl危機目前在洛杉磯郡的狀況。 內容包含其危險性與跟學生溝通的重要。 謝謝副校長 Dr. Elizabeth Chang提供的Youtube連結。 讓昨晚無法參與的家長也可以觀看。 https://youtu.be/cjBOKYGJwkI
School townhall on 10/12 6pm presented update status of fentanyl crisis from Los Angeles County Health Department. Content includes risk and information for you to communicate with students. Thank for Assistance Principle Dr. Elizabeth Chang provide following youtube link. This will help parents who was not able to participate townhall last night. https://youtu.be/cjBOKYGJwkI
Links to more info 更多的链接