1. 如有意愿参加DBHS CAPA义工活动的家长欢迎加入义工群体,务必是DBHS CAPA会员。所有义工活动都会在学年度内进行,春假和寒暑假期间会暂停并配合学校的行程时间。
Parents interested in participating in DBHS CAPA volunteer activities are welcome to join the volunteer group and must be DBHS CAPA members. All volunteer activities are conducted during the school year and will pause during spring, summer, and winter breaks to align with the school’s schedule.

2. DBHS CAPA的暑期义工活动会在暑假六或七月开始举办,时间会根据每年的情况调整。
DBHS CAPA summer volunteer activities begin in June or July, with subject to adjusted according to DBHS CAPA events.

3. 义工小时以每学年度计算。每个学年4月会结算。可根据DBHS CAPA 活动而调整。
DBHS CAPA volunteer hours are accumulated for each school year and are finalized in April. Subject to change.

4. 所有参与DBHS CAPA义工活动的志愿者,按登记的小时数,每学年可以经过DBHS CAPA申请总统奖。请家长务必要及时登记自己孩子的每次义工活动时数,CAPA的服务人员会和家长们核对时数并帮助申请。申请奖包括一封证书和一封总统签名信。
All students participating in DBHS CAPA volunteer activities can apply for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) once per school year based on their recorded hours. Parents must promptly log their children’s volunteer hours, and CAPA volunteers will verify the hours and assist with the application. The award includes a certificate and a letter signed by the President of the United States.

5. DBHS CAPA鼓励学生们积极参与社区义工活动。DBHS CAPA只接受最多40%在DB高中学校内的社团义工时数,至少60%必须参加DBHS CAPA 安排的义工活动。如果家长选择在DBHS CAPA之外申请义工奖,CAPA可以开立义工小时证明。
DBHS CAPA encourages students to actively participate in community volunteer activities. CAPA accepts maximum 40% of volunteer hours from DBHS school clubs; at least 60% must come from DBHS CAPA volunteer activities. If parents choose to apply for the PVSA outside of CAPA, CAPA can issue a volunteer hour certification.

6. 总统义工奖或DBHS CAPA义工小时证明每学年只能申请一次,也只能选择其中一项,不能两项并出。有需求者请与CAPA主席联系。
PVSA or volunteer hour certification can only be applied for once per school year, and you can only choose one, not both. Please contact the CAPA president for requests.