1. 所有CAPA Youth Team的活動都會在學年度內進行,春假, 寒暑假期間會暫停並配合學校的行程時間
    All Youth team activities are held in the school year. There will be no activity during the breaks (spring break, winter break)
  2. CAPA Youth Team的義工小時以每學年度計算.每個學年終會結算不得累計
    Youth team volunteer hours are accumulated for each school year. No hours will be carried over to next school year.
  3. 所有參與CAPA Youth Team義工活動孩子的小時如果足夠可以申請縂統奬.我們會通知家長幫忙申請。具体包括:一封证书 , 一封总统签名的信和一套奖章。
    CAPA will reach out to the parents of student members who are qualified for the PVSA. The full package contains: – a personalized certificate recognizing their highest level of achievement – Gold, Silver, Bronze or Lifetime Achievement. – a letter signed by the President of The United States and the medal. 
  4. 由於CAPA不接受外面其他機構的義工小時. 如果家長選擇在CAPA之外申請義工獎,CAPA可以開立義工小時証明
    CAPA does not accept the volunteer hours from other organizations. But volunteer hours certification can be issued for parents to apply PVSA through other organizations.
  5. 總統義工奬或 CAPA 義工小時証明,一學年只能申請一次,只能選擇其中一項,不能兩項並出. 有需求者請和CAPA President 聯繫
    PVSA or volunteer hours certification can only be applied once per school year. And you can only apply one of them, not both. Please reach out to CAPA president for the request.