05/29/2024: CAPA volunteers Presidential awards ceremony! Congratulations to the students


今天CAPA代表群里的家长们捐赠了$37200元给学校由校长接受,这笔款项将由校长和专属老师分配于支持校园的30个项目,涵盖了制服、物理教室设备、音响系统、印表机、软件、竞赛参赛费等方面。这笔资金的來源,除了是每家交的会费$30 之外,就是由CAPA 义工成员不持劳苦,东奔西跑的去寻求对孩子们有帮助的教育资讯的同时,得到的广告贊助費积少成多而來的,所以希望大家理解我们不定时的发放一些辅导升学顾问机构资讯在群里。
在这里还要感谢各位义工家长的帮助,今年CAPA 免费帮助了75+位孩子申请总统奖和颁发一些义工时数证明。这离不开孩子们的配合,及所有义工家长们的辛勤付出!我们期待着明年的继续努力,欢迎更多DBHS的华人家庭加入我们CAPA的团队,更欢迎加入家长义工团队。

03/22/2024: Cookies delivered by our great volunteers! Thank you!

02/09/2024: Happy Chinese New year! 中国新年快乐!We delivered our cookies and shared happiness out. Thank you!

01/26/2024: Our cookie volunteers continued delivering the cookies.

12/15/2023: Our cookie volunteers have completed this year’s last one with 1332 bags! We are so happy to share the holiday cookie joys and grateful to our CAPA parents and students. Wish everyone a great holiday season with family and see you in 2024!

12/09/2023: Cookies~~~~

11/03/2023: The amazing cookies by our great student volunteers

10/27/2023: The amazing cookies

06/22/2023: Thanks for all the students making the great cookies!

May 7th, 2023: 感謝各位家長同學們在共同參與我們的第二屆CAPA Youth PVSA Award 🥇 Ceremony!
Thanks all the parents and students for joining our second PVSA award ceremony. We are so proud of them!

May 23, 2022: 感謝各位家長同學們在共同參與我們的第一屆CAPA Youth PVSA Award 🥇 Ceremony. 典禮在歡樂的氣氛中圓滿完成.今年我們成功替47位孩子申請義工獎為了孩子的努力而感到驕傲!
Thanks all the parents and students for joining our first PVSA award ceremony. This year 47 students have successfully achieved PVSA awards from the CAPA youth program. We are so proud of them!
*特別感謝Caren Ho~替所有孩子申辦義工獎,印製CAPA Certificates 及精美紀念品.
Special thanks to our VP Caren Ho-for her hard work for the PVSA applications, gifts and certificates!
*特別感謝今天CAPA Youth Team Leaders~Ethan Yang, Ryan Lin and Isabella Yang 在這一學年裡付出的努力及貢獻.為CAPA Youth Team建立堅實的基礎!
Special thanks our youth team leaders – Ethan Yang, Ryan Lin and Isabella Yang

05/06/2022: CAPA joined DBHS Music Building Tour and Capital Campaign Pledge, 华裔家长会参观钻石吧高中音乐楼和帮助募捐活动,成功募捐到$3800!

04/08/2022: CAPA donated $25,286 thru a mini-grant program to 11 clubs/teams – continuing support better learning environment for DBHS students! 为了学生有更好的学习环境,CAPA共捐款$25,286给11个俱乐部

Big thanks to Dr. Jones (Principal), Elizabeth Chang (Assistant Principal), USB and related faculties。特别感谢校长Dr. Jones,校长助理Elizabeth Chang,学生会和相关的老师

Jan. 2022 Clothes Drive – 义工帮助捐赠衣服

2021 – 2022 Registration 注冊

CAPA Youth Team
2021 Stop Asian Hate 反對仇恨亞裔
(hosted by 李興華翡翠金城)

2020 Donation 捐獻

2017-19 Activities 活動

2016-10-18 CAPA Seminar – Ivy Max